Why Choose Us as a Travel Partner?

Our experiences are unique and allow you to travel with purpose and we will make sure it creates positive impacts for the places you visit.

Collaborate across disciplines and apply knowledge to accomplish our missions. Our experiences are all designed & connected by the idea that we can create a better future by working with people, culture, & nature.

Our Impact Journeys

Future Leadership Program
Educational Journeys
Impact Trips

Wise Steps Travel’s New Soul

After surviving the pandemic it became clear that the future requires amore resilient business plan and Wise Steps Travel’s ambition was toscale its impacts. We want to walk far and that is why we walk withothers. Sejiva means ‘one soul’ and is the result of a powerfulcollaboration between Traval, Sebumi and Wise Steps Travel.


What is Sejiva?

Sejiva organizes outstanding experiences with purpose which positively impact society, culture, and our environment, while promoting a shared commitment of environmental conservation, empowering local communities, and advocating about the most important issues of our time.


Supports local communities by encouraging travelers to engagewith and support local businesses, artisans, and services


Promotes cultural preservation by encouraging travelers to respect and engage with local traditions,customs, and heritage


Conserves natural resources bysupporting eco conscious business partners, communities and accommodations

Interested to work with us?

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